Treasure Quest



Treasures can also be discovered by playing. That is why, if you become tired of travelling, come to Funfair. If you are curious about the time when the treasures were created go into the cave. There you will look back into the centuries with the help of the Time Machine. If you have a question you can always return here, to the Explorers Academy or to climb into the Tower and ask the magic Book of Treasures. You must already be impatient to go outside, walk around and find the treasures of your native land. They will inspire you to create. You will want to photograph them, draw them or write a story about them. Friends of mine have already sent me their works. At the Explorers’ Workshop you can see what is most valuable in their eyes, meet other explorers from different countries. Send me your treasures, too, so that we may show them to all. Don’t forget, I am always close by. Call me if you need help!

© Association for Cultural Tourism. All rights reserved.
The project is funded by
British Council Bulgaria

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