Treasure Quest

Mezek Thracian tomb

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Mezek Thracian tomb
Mezek Thracian tomb
Mezek Thracian tomb


What: Tomb, Fortress
Where: Bulgaria, Svilengrad
When: Thracians, Early Middle Ages

Two valuable treasures can be found by the village of Mezek near Svilengrad: an ancient Thracian tomb and a fortress.
The tomb is one of the largest with a dome. To see that, however, you have to pass through a 30 metres long corridor called a dromos. It is covered with a triangular arch. At its end you will find two chambers following one after another, and a third one which is round. This was precisely where the burial was made. It is called tomb chamber. It is skillfully covered with a dome made of large and smoothly cut stones.
The walls of the treasury – the fortress preserved to this day – rise majestically to a height of 10 metres. It was built back in the 11th century and was crowned with crenels along the walls and special platforms for defence.
Near the fortress you can discover other famous Thracian tombs form the 4th century before Christ – Maltepe and Kurtkale.


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