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Olympieion in Athens

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Olympieion  in Athens
Olympieion  in Athens
Olympieion  in Athens


What: Temple
Where: Greece, Athens
When: Ancient Greece

The Olympieion in Athens is a sanctuary dedicated to Zeus, the Supreme God of the Ancient Greeks. Legend has it that it was founded by the mythical hero Deucalion. According to Greek mythology, Deucalion and his wife Pira were the only people who survived the flood that Zeus sent to destroy humanity,
Today you can see the remains of the temple of Zeus the construction of which was started by Peisistratos the Younger in 515 before Christ. Later other rulers tried to continue the construction of the temple but it was finally completed by Roman Emperor Hadrian, in 125. A colossal chryselephantine (gold and ivory) statue of Zeus rose in the centre of the temple.


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