Treasure Quest


You've found a treasure! Have a look!



Treasure at riskWhat: Ancient Town
Where: Turkey, Aydin
When: Ancient Greece, Rome

The settlement had a long and prosperous life from the 1st century before Christ until the 6th century. Many of the ancient monuments have been preserved to this day. Excavations have unearthed a number of fine marble statues and other artefacts from the Ionian and Roman periods. It is believed that the settlement housed a distinguished school of sculpture, from where products of the workshops as well as the craftsmen themselves were distributed throughout the Roman Empire.
Important monuments include the Temple of Aphrodite, the Theatre, the Baths of Hadrian, the Agora, the Basilica and the Stadium.

The excavation was followed by conservation activities which were made using inappropriate materials. Today this treasure is collapsing and is threatening the tourists because of lack of funding.


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Total: 1 points!

© Association for Cultural Tourism. All rights reserved.
The project is funded by
British Council Bulgaria

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