Treasure Quest


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What: Historic Town
Where: Slovenia, Izola, Coast and Karst region
When: Late Middle Ages, Baroque

Izola is a lively town in Slovenia located at the Adriatic Sea. Already in the first century A.D. our ancestors chose a wonderful island at this place for their settlement. Later they linked it to the coast with the help of a stone bridge. Today, this is the oldest part of the town. For many years the town had been surrounded by walls but in the early 19th century they were demolished and used as a bridge connecting the island and the coast. This is why you should not be surprised, if you do not discover this island but don’t miss to take a walk in the Old Town. There you will find the rich history of Izola and the local living tranditions such as angling. You may also try the local delicacies.


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Total: 1 points!

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The project is funded by
British Council Bulgaria

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