Treasure Quest


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What: Historic Town
Where: Slovenia, Koper, Coast and Karst region
When: High Middle Ages

In the city of Koper, Slovenia, we are welcomed by the mild breeze and dance of the waves of the Adriatic Sea. You should have a walk along the city streets and see how everything around tells its history. You will see the remains of the ancient town walls along the narrow meandering streets. If you get tired, you may have a rest at one of the numerous squares, covered with white cobblestones. Soon you will reach the cathedral, being the biggest one in Slovenia.
If you go to Koper in the summer you should not miss the theatrical performances amidst the ancient town walls. The biggest attraction during this season is the Yellow Night, during which big lasting fires are lit and illuminate the whole area with their bright colours. You cannot resist Koper’s traditional cuisine: jota (a soup with pickled cabbage), the bobii (cor soup), polenta (corn porridge) and numerous fish specialties.


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